Saturday, November 15, 2008


today there were swarms of birds in the backyard and they were making so much noise. koobs and i watched with great interest.

owl and the pussycat

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Sunday, October 12, 2008


sometimes it is hard to take pictures of koobs because she likes to attack the cord on my camera.

blowin up on the internetz

koobs obama picture is taking over the internetz. someone made this lolkoobz! and it is used on many blogs.

Friday, October 3, 2008

1 year ago

one year ago today, isis went to the hospital. i had no idea she was sick until that day. i have thought about her for every second of every day ever since.
this is what we all looked like last summer. isis is the one on the right. we were blissfully unaware that a few months after this photos was taken, isis would be gone.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

happy birthday!

koobs turned 9 today!! she didn't really like the hat i made. i hope isis is having a nice birthday wherever she is.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

pretty in pink

the new paint color is very flattering to koobs fur.

helping out

this weekend i painted the living room and koobs helped.

koobs honored by new title

koobs went for her checkup the other day. her regular vet hadn't seen her in forever cause she was on maternity leave. she couldn't believe how good koobs looks. she called her the "greatest success story." koobs and i are very honored.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

meow is the time

koobs has gained a little weight since the spring.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

new sheets

i got new sheets and koobs has been busy making them covered in cat hair.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

i think i'll put my office here

koobs and i now live alone and we're swimming in all the new space.


here is koobs enjoying the loot we found under the bed.

Friday, August 1, 2008

who's the sweetest kitty ever?


i just moved the couch and found a treasure trove of cat toys in addition to a lot of hair and dust.
4 milk thingos
4 crumpled receipts
2 gummy bracelets
2 plastic cat toys
1 hair elastic

some will be cleaned and put back into use.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

mucho hugs

today i had to go to the vet to pick up food and medicine for koobs. when i pulled in i saw a family with their golden retriever in the parking lot. i could tell by the looks on their faces that they were about to put him down. he looked old and when i walked by i could see his hair was falling out.
i was also there to pick up my keys from the trusty kitty sitter. she gushed about how good and fat koobs is looking these days!

then i had to walk past the family again who were now walking the dog around the lot for the last time. i cried in my car on the way home. then i hugged koobs a lot.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

fed up

koobs has been taking medicine for one year and ten days. and as of about 30 days ago, she decided she didn't want to take it any more. so now we fight every day. she used to take medicine in the morning so now she hides under the bed in the morning. she tries to run away when she is getting fluids. she scratches and puts up a fight when i give her pills. and if she senses that you're getting the medicine out, she's back under the bed. you've got to have a sneak attack.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


here koobs demonstrates how she can brush herself.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

the brush

auntie tee gave koobs an old hairbrush and koobs is obsessed with it. she can't get enough brushing. she will stand on two feet to get it. if you leave it out, she will try to brush herself with it.


this is the view i wake p to every morning.

the basketbowl

here is koobs watching a famous basketball player from the celtics play in a basketball game. this was the first time we watched basketball. it held koobs's interest much longer than mine. however, we hear they won the basketbowl. go team.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

drama queen

princess koobs poses in dramatic lighting.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


here is koobs enjoying my birthday festivities.


koobs and i spent a relaxing weekend in maine. we both got some much-needed rest.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

back to normal

due to the oppressive heat, koobs has been not so much herself lately. she's been hiding under the bed allll day. but today it is lovely out and she resumed her post on the neighborhood watch. although she is still clever enough to know that if she hides from me before work, i will not be able to give her medicine.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

there are no words

to describe how i feel about koobs. sometimes i just look at here and i feel overwhelmed with love.

she is back on the eating bandwagon. she'd been slacking for the past month or so. but i started mixing a little tuna with her dinner and now she eats two bowls of wet food a day.

Monday, May 12, 2008

mother's day

koobs and i went to maine for mother's day. as always, she sat in the window and enjoyed the fresh air and chirping birds. every day i ask koobs "who's the prettiest kitty in the world." i think the answer is obvious.
(also, she looks so much like isis in this picture.)

Sunday, April 20, 2008

laundry day

koobs's favorite day is laundry day. as you know, she likes to play in the sheets when i change them. in addition, she likes to explore the basement. it is very exciting down there. she usually meets me half way down the stairs but sometimes she makes it all the way.

Monday, April 7, 2008


it's my first lol koobs. i know it isn't funny, but it's true! koobs went to the vet this morning and has gained two pounds since january.

here is a history of her weight (it would be awesome if my month-by-month weight was online somewhere):
September 2005: 14.2 lbs
July 2007: 11.4 lbs
August 2007: 10.7 lbs
January 2008: 12.12 lbs
April 2008: 14.10 lbs

koobs has done such a good job eating and getting healthy that she is kind of fat. the vet said she can't gain any more weight.
also, today's visit cost $299.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

happy easter

the easter bunny came early and brought koobs some cat nip carrots.

koobs vs the sheets - the rematch

Monday, March 17, 2008


carrie awoke this morning to find a trail of grass-filled puke all across the counter and a pile on the floor. the grass will live outside until easter.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

eating her greens

koobs would like to eat my easter centerpiece.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

sad news

sadly, a sick kitty, oscar, who had been fighting for the past few months has joined isis in kitteh heaven.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


when koobs was on cuteoverload a few people commented that she had fat rolls. lately, she's been feeling super heavy. i think koobs might be the fattest she's ever been. and i mean that in a good way. last summer she was so sickly skinny i thought she would die at any second. look at how skinny she was! she is really making an amazing recovery. now she's a fat kitteh.

Friday, February 29, 2008

we don't want to brag but... has posted a picture of koobs. and if you can overlook the fact that one of her pictures is labeled with someone else's name, koobs is by far the best looking cat with the best art directed photo on the site. monkeys could do a better job photoshopping than these people. taking a picture of your cat with a bumper sticker? come on people. put a little effort into it.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

marmies are the swing vote

koobs is very proud to have sparked such a heated political debate on cuteoverload. while everyone has a right to their opinion, many of the comments are a leetle off the topic of how cute koobs is. so, here are the best on-topic comments:

Marmies are teh bestest.
RIP Trevor (1977-1993), 22 pound blob of snorgalicious lap cat.

On Topic - I'm LOVIN' the kitteh in the shirt, but, is it that it isn't splattered in human blood? I tried to put my Tika (striped Tabby RIP 9/1999) in a sweater once and she nearly eviscerated me LMAO!!!

Cuuute!!! Are marmies going to be the swing vote? Will we see the candidates courting the marmie (and kitty) count in the upcoming months? That would certainly make those televised debates so much more interesting to watch. "Live from the PetSmart adoption center and hosted by Chris Matthews.."

Will you all just shut the hell up? It's a cute cat, in a cute shirt. Isn't that what CO is about? Look at the chubby arms and neck rolls. Get off your political high horses and LOOK AT THAT PINK NOSE!

Ya see that marmie is per.. Umm I mean Purrfect to wear the Obama shirt... Look at his adorable optimistic little kitty face.

Two things...
1) To YesWeCanHas: ROTFLMBO (rolling on the yada yada my BUTT off!!)
2) Has anyone followed the link at the bottom of the pic to Mary R.'s blog? I was in her situation (both kittehs have kidney failure) with The Boss (1990 - 2006) and to read her posts is absolutely heart-rending. Y'all should check it out if you get the chance and thanks for linking her blog Meg.

I suppose I should preface this by saying I am, in fact, an Obama supporter, but would you check out how GORGEOUS this cat is?
He looks so sweet and snorgle-able. I think it's the way his shirt snugs against his little body. And look at his little white chin! And his perky ears and alert expression! I can't look away from this kitteh. He is like the ultimate marmie. I never really understood the whole "I want to nibble this kitteh, nom nom!" vibe until I saw this picture.

[i suspect that last comment might be from koobs's auntie t, pretending not to be auntie t by referring to koobs as a "he"]

too much excitement

all the excitement of being on cuteoverload has gone to koobs's stomach. she puked on the couch, the angela adams rug and my book.

she is still on top of the world though.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

the award for outstanding achievement in cuteness goes to...

all our hard work these past few years has finally paid off! koobs is on we totally retract everything we might have said about them holding a grudge against koobs.
if only isis could be here to see it.

bitch is the new marmie

i look down my nose at you.