Wednesday, February 27, 2008

marmies are the swing vote

koobs is very proud to have sparked such a heated political debate on cuteoverload. while everyone has a right to their opinion, many of the comments are a leetle off the topic of how cute koobs is. so, here are the best on-topic comments:

Marmies are teh bestest.
RIP Trevor (1977-1993), 22 pound blob of snorgalicious lap cat.

On Topic - I'm LOVIN' the kitteh in the shirt, but, is it that it isn't splattered in human blood? I tried to put my Tika (striped Tabby RIP 9/1999) in a sweater once and she nearly eviscerated me LMAO!!!

Cuuute!!! Are marmies going to be the swing vote? Will we see the candidates courting the marmie (and kitty) count in the upcoming months? That would certainly make those televised debates so much more interesting to watch. "Live from the PetSmart adoption center and hosted by Chris Matthews.."

Will you all just shut the hell up? It's a cute cat, in a cute shirt. Isn't that what CO is about? Look at the chubby arms and neck rolls. Get off your political high horses and LOOK AT THAT PINK NOSE!

Ya see that marmie is per.. Umm I mean Purrfect to wear the Obama shirt... Look at his adorable optimistic little kitty face.

Two things...
1) To YesWeCanHas: ROTFLMBO (rolling on the yada yada my BUTT off!!)
2) Has anyone followed the link at the bottom of the pic to Mary R.'s blog? I was in her situation (both kittehs have kidney failure) with The Boss (1990 - 2006) and to read her posts is absolutely heart-rending. Y'all should check it out if you get the chance and thanks for linking her blog Meg.

I suppose I should preface this by saying I am, in fact, an Obama supporter, but would you check out how GORGEOUS this cat is?
He looks so sweet and snorgle-able. I think it's the way his shirt snugs against his little body. And look at his little white chin! And his perky ears and alert expression! I can't look away from this kitteh. He is like the ultimate marmie. I never really understood the whole "I want to nibble this kitteh, nom nom!" vibe until I saw this picture.

[i suspect that last comment might be from koobs's auntie t, pretending not to be auntie t by referring to koobs as a "he"]

1 comment:

artdetective said...

Congratulations to KF for sparking the orange cats for Obama movement. Truly something to behold. I am not sure where my houseplant stands on the issue, but it wouldn't fit into one of those little political wifebeaters anyway. Mary, are you selling those?
