Thursday, January 31, 2008

maybe she's lactose intolerant

koobs enjoys eating cereal even though she's lactose intolerant. if she eats too much, she pukes.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


if you total all my vet bills for the past year (including isis and koobi fora) it is over $7,500!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


don't get me wrong, koobs is priceless. but if she were to have a price, it would be approximately $375 a month. that is the average monthly cost of keeping a kitty with kidney failure alive based on my spending since july when she was diagnosed. she is worth every penny. but barf. no wonder i am broke.

Monday, January 21, 2008

ray of light

koobs has been enjoying her perch in the front window. she keeps an eye on things and watches me when i leave.


Monday, January 14, 2008

band aid for the soul

today, carrie said "koobs helps. she is like a band aid for the soul."
i just want to stare at this picture all day long.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

koobs sending her love

koobs would like to send her love to a kitty named felix who is very sick. and also to his brother oscar.

Saturday, January 12, 2008


in case you were wondering if koobs still eats at the counter, she does.


miracle kitty

koobi fora had all her blood work and urine test on thursday. the vet just called to say that she is doing so much better than she should be. most kitties with kidney failure continuously decline but koobs is very stable (in terms of all the technical things they measure) and against all expectations is gaining weight (20% of her body weight since august) and is extraordinarily playful all of the sudden.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

gummy bracelet master

koobi fora has been so playful lately. usually i have to wake her up in the morning and drag her out of bed but lately she's been waking up before me and wanting to play. she brings a gummy bracelet up on to the bed and drops it right by my face. then she just stares at me with the most precious face.
she has also developed some awesome paw-eye coordination. when i throw the bracelet, she reaches her paw up into the air and catches it or knocks it down. it puts a damper on playing fetch because it doesn't go very far.

i'm watching my stories

tonight there was a marathon of orangutan island and koobs was captivated yet again.

the orange fuzzy party campaign t(r)ail

due to poor voter turn-out in iowa and new hampshire, the orange fuzzy party will be recruiting volunteers all weekend. koobi fora is understandably upset that she has not been asked to participate in any televised debates.

Friday, January 4, 2008

sea otter

sometimes i called isis my "little sea otter" cause she had a large tummy and comparitively short paws. anyway, i am still tortured by the memories of her death and the knowledge that she was alone and miserable for a week before she died. i loved her so much and i am so sad that she's gone. i feel like it won't ever get better.

i totally borrowed that picture from here

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

couch potato

koobi fora really enjoys watching animal planet. no joke. she was enthralled with a special about bears. here she is watching a commercial for our new favorite show, orangutan island.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008